" Hope on the Rize aims to transform apathy and disengagement, awakening and sharing the parts of our lives, from the tiny to the huge, that make evident our interconnectedness and capacity for change. It asks people to come as they are, share what they love, discover new aspects of identity, and participate in telling a new story of what’s hopeful and what’s possible."
Poetry is humanizing and transformative. Inspired by our friend and mentor, Dedan Gills, and poets and scientists across the centuries, the Pseads programs are founded on the notion that even more than something that can be written or spoken, a poem is a way of being. With his wife, educator and social justice advocate Belvie Rooks, Dedan imagined championing the poetry in every person, advancing human dignity, and supporting social and environmental healing through tree planting ceremonies, with trees as emblems of community and transformation. Hope on the Rize was also deeply informed by the life and legacy of Susan Lambert, whose photography, writing and visual art is a celebration of a commitment she lived every day to “find the extraordinary in the ordinary.” Her vision inspired Pseads to take the journey of self-expression even further, transforming poems and writing into impactful visual and multimedia narratives that reveal new possibilities and leave a bigger mark on the world.
Check out more inspiring short films created by students for the Hope on the Rize movement on the Pseads YouTube channel!